十大外围app赚了2美元,486,363 in emergency financial assistance via the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act's 高等教育紧急救济基金三 available to students who have been financially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
These funds are reserved to provide students with financial aid grants that may be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, 保健(包括精神保健)或儿童保健.
ARPA requires that institutions prioritize students with exceptional need, 比如获得佩尔助学金的学生, 在发放助学金方面. 然而, students do not need to be Pell recipients or students who are eligible for Pell grants to be identified as having exceptional need. 除了, ARPA explicitly provides that financial aid grants to students may be provided to students exclusively enrolled in distance education.
5月11日,美国总统奥巴马.S. 教育部宣布额外的39美元.6 billion was available to institutions of higher education to serve students and ensure learning continues during the COVID-19 pandemic. This funding is allocated to the 高等教育紧急救济基金三 by the American Rescue Plan Act, 该法案于3月11日由乔·拜登总统签署成为法律, 2021.
这些基金-可提供给超过5,000 institutions of higher education – more than double the emergency relief aid available to students and institutions already authorized under the Coronavirus 援助e, 救援, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) and the Coronavirus Response and 救援 Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) relief legislation.
中冶预留$2,411,797 of funds it received through HERF III for institutional costs incurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
For questions regarding MCCC's emergency funds, 学生应发送电子邮件 caresact@xiaiiio.com.
十大外围app赚了650美元,258 in emergency financial assistance via the 2021 Coronavirus Response and 救援 Supplemental Appropriations Act’s 高等教育紧急救济基金二 available to students who have been financially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
These funds are reserved to provide students with financial aid grants that may be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, 保健(包括精神保健)或儿童保健.
CRRSAA requires that institutions prioritize students with exceptional need, 比如获得佩尔助学金的学生, 在发放助学金方面. 然而, students do not need to be Pell recipients or students who are eligible for Pell grants to be identified as having exceptional need. 除了, CRRSAA explicitly provides that financial aid grants to students may be provided to students exclusively enrolled in distance education.
For assistance with filling out the FAFSA and MCCC’s emergency funds application, 学生应发送电子邮件 caresact@xiaiiio.com.
1月14日,美国总统巴拉克.S. 教育部宣布额外的21美元.2 billion was available to institutions of higher education to serve students and ensure learning continues during the COVID-19 pandemic. This funding is allocated to the 高等教育紧急救济基金二 by the Coronavirus Response and 救援 Supplemental Appropriations Act, 该法案是由美国前总统唐纳德. 特朗普12月讲话. 27, 2020.
CRRSAA拨款820亿美元用于教育, 教育部提供了除了1美元以外的所有资金.在该法案颁布后的18天内,就拿出了其中的90亿美元. 今年早些时候,前部长德沃斯迅速提供了30美元.75 billion for education through “CARES,” the Coronavirus 援助, Recovery, and Economic Security Act.
1月14日的公告奖励了20美元.5 billion to public and non-profit colleges and universities and $681 million to proprietary schools. Public and non-profit schools can use their awards for financial aid grants to students, 学生支持活动, 还要支付各种机构成本, 包括收入损失, 报销已发生的费用, 与向远程教育过渡相关的技术成本, 教职员工培训, 和工资. Proprietary schools must use their awards exclusively to provide financial aid grants to students.
中冶预留$2,168,506 of funds it received through HERF II for institutional costs incurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2020, 十大外围app made emergency financial assistance via the Coronavirus 援助, 救援 and Economic Security Act available to current and prospective students who were financially affected by the transition to online classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
MCCC通过《十大外围app》拨出的资金为1,300,516美元. Half of that – $650,258 – was awarded as emergency grants to students.
为了申请这些资金, MCCC students had to be Title IV eligible – which means they were approved to receive federal loans and grant programs awards for pursuing post-secondary education – and have a Free Application for Federal Student 援助 on file with MCCC.
Eligibility for MCCC students was based on financial issues they had or would face related to moving to online coursework, 比如互联网服务问题, 需要一台新的计算机或特殊的软件或硬件, 或者增加公用事业成本.
The CARES Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27. It is an economic relief package of more than $2 trillion designed to protect the American people from the public health and economic impacts of COVID-19. It provides fast and direct economic assistance for American workers and families, 小企业和为美国工业保留就业机会.
Under the act, about $14 billion was allocated to institutions of higher education. 这笔拨款中最重要的部分为12美元.56 billion to institutions using a formula based on student enrollment. 根据这一公式分配给每个机构的数额, at least 50 percent must be reserved to provide students with emergency financial aid grants to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus.